Ill Seen Ill Said Page 3
lies hidden time for a turn in the pastures.
No shock were she already dead. As of
course she is. But in the meantime more
convenient not. Still living then she lies
hidden. Having for some reason covered
her head. Or for no reason. Night. When
not evening night. Winter night. No
snow. For the sake of variety. To vary the
monotony. The limp grass strangely rigid
under the weight of the rime. Clawed by
the long black skirt how if but heard it
must murmur. Moonless star-studded sky
reflected in the erosions filmed with ice.
The silence merges into music infinitely far
and as unbroken as silence. Ceaseless celestial winds in unison. For all all matters now. The stones gleam fain ely afar and the
cabin walls seen white at last. Said white.
The guardians-the twelve are there but
not at full muster. Well! Above all not
understand. Simply note how those still
faithful have moved apart. Such ill seen
that night in the pastures. While head included she lies hidden. Under on closer inspection a long greatcoat. A man's by the buttons. The buttonholes. Eyes closed
does she see him?
White walls. High time.
White as new. No wind. Nor a breath.
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Unbeaten on by all that comes beating
down. And mystery the sun has spared
them. The sun that once beat down. So
east and west sides the required clash.
South gable no problem. But the other.
That door. Careful. Black too? Black too.
And the roof. Slates. More. Small slates
black too brought from a ruined mansion.
What tales had they tongues to tell. Their
long tale told. Such the dwelling ill seen ill
said. Outwardly. High time.
Changed the stone that
draws her when revisited alone. Or she
who changes it when side by side. Now
alone it leans. Backward or forward as the
case may be. Is it to nature alone it owes its
rough-hewn air? Or to some too human
hand forced to desist? As Michelangelo's
from the regicide's bust. If there may not
be no more questions let there at least be
no more answers. Granite of no common
variety assuredly. Black as jade the jasper
that flecks its whiteness. On its what is the
wrong word its uptilted face obscure
graffiti. Scrawled by the ages for the eye to
solicit in vain. Winter evenings on her
doorstep she imagines she can see it glitter
afar. When from their source in the westsouth-west the last rays rake its averse face.
Such ill seen the stone alone where it
stands at the far fringe of the pastures. On
her way out with the flowers as unerring as
best she can she lingers by it. As on her
way back with empty hands. Lingers by it a
while on her way on. Toward the one or
other abode. As unerring as best she can.
See them again side by
side. Not quite touching. Lit aslant by the
latest lase rays they cast to the east-northeast their long parallel shadows. Evening therefore. Winter evening. It will always
be evening. Always winter. When not
night. Winter night. No more lambs. No
more flowers. Empty-handed she shall go
to the tomb. Until she go no more. Or no
more return. So much for that. Undistinguishable the twin shadows. Till one at length more dense as if of a body better
opaque. At length more still. As faintly at
length the other trembles under the staring gaze. Throughout this confrontation the sun stands still. That is to say the earth.
Not to recoil on until the parting. Then
on its face over the pastures and then the
stones the still living shadow slowly glides.
Lengthening and fading more and more.
But never quite away. Under the hovering
Close-up of a dial. Nothing else. White disc divided in minutes.
Unless it be in seconds. Sixty black dots.
No figure. One'hand only. Finest of fine
black darts. It advances by fits and starts.
No tick. Leaps from dot to dot with so
lightning a leap that but for its new position it had not stirred. Whole nights may pass as may but a fraction of a second or
any intermediate lapse of time soever before it flings itself from one degree to the next. None at any moment overleaping in
all fairness be it said. Let it when discovered be pointing east. Having thus covered after its fashion assuming the instrument
plumb the first quarter of its latest hour.
Unless it be its latest minute. Then doubt
certain-then despair certain nights of irs
ever attaining the last. Ever regaining
She reappears at evening
at her window. When nor night evening.
If she will see Venus again she must open
it. Well! First draw aside the curtain and
then open. Head bowed she waits to be
able. Mindful perhaps of evenings when
she was able too late. Black night fallen.
But no. In her head too pure wait. The
curtain. Seen closer thanks to this hiatus it
reveals itself at last for what it is. A black
greatcoat. Hooked by its tails from the rod
it hangs sprawling inside out like a carcass
in a butcher's stall. Or better inside in for
the pathos of the dangling arms. Same infinitesimal quaver as the buttonhook and passim. Another novelty the chair drawn
up to the window. This to raise the line of
sight on the fair prey loftier when first
sighted than at first sight ill seen. What
empty space henceforward. For long pacing to and fro in the gloom. Suddenly in a single gesture she snatches aside the coat
and to again on a sky as black as it. And
then? Careful. Have her sit? Lie? Kneel?
Go? She too vacillates. Till in the end the
back and forth prevails. Sends her wavering north and south from wall to wall. In the kindly dark.
'She is vanishing. With
the rest. The already ill seen bedimmed and
ill seen again annulled. The mind betrays
the treacherous eyes and the treacherous
word their treacheries. Haze sole certitude.
The same that reigns beyond the pastures.
It gains them already. It will gain the zone
of stones. Then the dwelling through all
its chinks. The eye will close in vain. To
see but haze. Not even. Be itself but haze.
How can it ever be said? Quick how ever
ill said before it submerges all. Light.
In one treacherous word. Dazzling haze.
Light in its might at last. Where no more
to be seen. To be said. Gently gently.
The face yet again in the
light of the last rays. No loss of pallor.
None of cold. Suspended on the verge for
this sight the westering sun. That is the
stering earth. The thin lips seem as if
never again to part. Peeping from their
join a suspicion of pulp. Unlikely site of
olden kisses given and received. Or given
only. Or received only. Impressive above
all the corners imperceptibly upcurved. A
smile? Is it possible? Ghost of an ancient
smile smiled finally once and for all. Such
ill half seen the mouth in the light of the
last rays. Suddenly they leave it. Rather it
leaves them. Off again to the dark. There
to smile on. If smile is what it is.
Reexamined rid of light
the mouth changes. Unexplainably. Lips as
before. Same closure. Same hint of extruding pulp. At the corners same imperceptible laxness. In a word the smile still there if smile is what it is. Neither more nor less.
Less! And yet no longer the same. True that
light distorts. Particularly sunset. That
mockery. True too that the eyes then agaze
for the viewless planet are now closed. On
other viewlessness. Of which more if ever
anon. There the explanation at last. This
same smile established with eyes open is
with them closed no longer the same.
Though between the two inspections the
mouth unchanged. Utterly. Good. But in
what way no longer the same? What there
now that was not there? What there no
more that was? Enough. Away.
Back after many winters.
Long after in this endless winter. This endless heart of winter. Too soon. She as when fled. Where as when fled. Still or again.
Eyes closed in the dark. To the dark. In
their own dark. On the lips same minute
smile. If smile is what it is. In short alive as
she alone knows how neither more nor
less. Less! Compared to true stone. Within
as sadly as before all as at first sight ill seen.
S 1
With the happy exception of the lights'
enhanced opacity. Dim the light of day
from them were day again to dawn. Without on the other hand some progress.
Toward unbroken night. Universal stone.
Day no sooner risen fallen. Scrapped all the
ill seen ill said. The eye has changed. And
its drivelling scribe. Absence has changed
them. Not enough. Time to go again.
Where still more to change. Whence back
too soon. Changed but not enough.
Strangers but not enough. To all the ill
seen ill said. Then back again. Disarmed for
to finish with it all at last. With her and her
rags of sky and earth. And if again too soon
go again. Change still more again. Then
back again. Barring impediment. Ah. So
on. Till fit to finish with it all at last. All the
trash. In unbroken night. Universal stone.
So first go. But first see her again. As when
fled. And the abode. That under the
changed eye it too may change. Begin. Just
one parting look. Before all meet again.
Then go. Barring impediment. Ah.
5 2
' Bur see she suddenly no
longer there. Where suddenly fled. Quick
then the chair before she reappears. At
length. Every angle. With what one word
convey its change? Careful. Less. Ah the
sweet one word. Less. It is less. The same
but less. Whencesoever the glare. True
that the light. See now how words too. A
few drops mishaphazard. Then strangury.
To say the least. Less. It will end by being
no more. By never having been. Divine
prospect. True that the light.
Suddenlyenoughand way
for remembrance. Closed again to that end
the vile jelly or opened again or left as it
was however that was. Till all recalled.
First finally by far hanging from their
skirrs two black greatcoats. Followed by
the first hazy outlines of what possibly a
hutch when suddenly enough. Remem-
5 3
brance! When all worse there than when
first ill seen. The pallet. The chair. The
coffer. The trap. Alone the eye has changed.
Alone can cause to change. In the meantime
nothing wanting. Wrong. The buttonhook. The nail. Wrong. There they are again. Still. Worse there than ever. Unchanged for the worse. Ope eye and at them to begin. But first the partition. It rid they
too would be. It less they by as much.
It of all the properties
doubtless the least obdurate. See the instant see it again when unaided it dissolved. So to say of itself. With no help from the eye. Not till long after to reappear. As if reluctantly. For what reason?
For one not far to seek. For others then
said obscure. One other above all. One
other still far to seek. Analogy of the heart?
The skull? Hear from here the howls of
laughter of the damned.
Enough. Quicker. Quick
see how all in keeping with the chair. Minimally less. No more. Well on the way to inexistence. As to zero the infini re. Quick
say. And of her? As much. Quick find her
agam. In that black heart. That mock
The sheer. Between rips
of trembling fingers. In two. Four. Eight.
Old frantic fingers. Nor paper any more.
Each eighth apart. In two. Four. Finish
with the knife. Hack into shreds. Down
the plughole. On co che next. White.
Quick blacken.
Atone the face remains.
Of the rest beneath its covering no trace.
During the inspection a sudden sound.
Startling without consequence for the gaze
the mind awake. How explain it? And
without going so far how say it? Far behind the eye the quest begins. What time the event recedes. When suddenly to the
rescue it comes again. Forthwith the uncommon common noun collapsion. Reinforced a little later if not enfeebled by the infrequent slumberous. A slumberous collapsion. Two. Then far from the still agonizing eye a gleam of hope. By the grace of these modest beginnings. With in second
sight the shack in ruins. To scrute together
with the inscrutable face. All curiosity
Later while the face still
unyielding another sound of fall but this
time sharp. Heightening the fond illusion
of general havoc in train. Here a great leap
into what brief future remains and summary puncture of that puny balloon. Far ahead to the instant when the coats will
have gone from their rods and the buttonhook from its nail. And been hove the sigh no more than that. Sigh upon sigh till all
sighed quite away. All the fond trash. Destined before being to be no more than that. Last sighs. Of relief.
Quick beforehand again
two mysteries. Nor even. Mild shocks.
Nor even. In such abeyance the mind then.
And from then on. First the curtains gone
without loss of dark. Sweet foretaste of the
joy at journey's end. Second after l
ong hesitation no trace of the fallen where they fell. No trace of all the ado. Alone on the
one hand the rods alone. A little bent. And
alone on the other most alone the nail.
Unimpaired. All set to serve again. Like
5 7
unto its glorious ancestors. At the place of
the skull. One April afternoon. Deposition done.
Fun glare now on the face
present throughout the recent future. As
seen ill seen throughout the past neither
more nor less. Less! Collated with its case it
lives beyond a doubt. Were ic only by vircue of its imperfect pallor. And imperceptible tremor unworthy of true plaster.
Heartening on che ocher hand the eyes persiscencly closed. No doubt a record in chis posicion. Unobserved at lease till now. Suddenly the look. Nothing having stirred.
Look? Too weak a word. Too wrong. Its
absence? No better. Unspeakable globe.
Ample time none the
less a few seconds for the iris to be lacking.
Wholly. As if engulfed by the pupil. And
for the sclerotic not to say the white to
appear reduced by half. Already that much
less at least but at what cost. Soon to be
foreseen save unforeseen two black blanks.
Fit vencholes of the soul that jakes. Here
reappearance of the skylights opaque to no
purpose henceforward. Seeing the black
night or better blackness pure and simple
that limpid they would shed. Blackness in
its might at last. Where no more to be
seen. Perforce to be seen.
Absence supreme good
and yet. Illumination then go again and on
return no more trace. On earth's face. Of
what was never. And if by mishap some
left then go again. For good again. So on.
Till no more trace. On earth's face. Instead
of always the same place. Slaving away forever in the same place. At this and that trace. And what if the eye could not? No
more tear itself away from the remains of
trace. Of what was never. Quick say it suddenly can and farewell say say farewell. If only to the face. Of her tenacious trace.
Decision no sooner
reached or rather long after than what is
the wrong word? For the last time at last
for to end yet again what the wrong word?
Than revoked. No but slowly dispelled a